Jai Guru Dev

Jai Guru Dev!! 
This may be a chanting slogan but a powerful tool to create or spread positive vibes in your surroundings. These words are sure-shot recipe to connect oneself with perfect & positive head-start anytime in all walks of life. In simpler means "victory of Master";  this victory chant is perfect mantra to lead anyone to the path of success, glory and peace.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Sings Guru Puja

The Guru
The importance of Guru is undeniable throughout the ancient Indian culture. As known to all of us in ancient world everyone was spear-headed by their master or Guru. What, when and how to be done successfully, it was always in the guidance of the Guru. 

In true sense, the Guru is complete universal element, who connects us to the path of success and enlightenment through his continues guidance in all aspects of life.  India is one of the few countries where importance of Guru is at utmost. Even in today's time, people get connected with their Guru to get the right suggestion or solution to achieve the best.

The Guru Parampara
The Guru Parampara
Guru Parampara, This can be understood as cultural phenomenon, where every generation of a family attached or connected to the Guru. India is blessed with four maths or spiritual institutions headed by Jagadguru Shankaracharya (the Symbol of Guru Parampara), which are located in four direction of the country. The Guru Parampara  is fostered through these four math and followed by throughout generations of Guru and their disciples.